In order to be successful in the Alamance Community College (ACC) Career & College Promise program, students must take responsibility for their education. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. TEXTBOOK & SUPPLY PURCHASES: Students must purchase or rent the required text(s), codes for online textbook supplements and/or fees or supplies designated for their course(s). Most textbook/online code prices range from $50.00 to $200.00 per text/code, with some exceptions. Fees may include lab/consumables fees. Supply costs may include uniforms, tools, etc. Some high schools provide books and/or online codes for classes taken on their campus but not for classes taken on the ACC campus or online.
2. TEXTBOOK SCHOLARSHIP: ACC offers a need-based textbook scholarship. Students must complete the FAFSA and the ACC scholarship application. Students may need to contact the CCP office to provide their Social Security Number for their student record. The SSN is required so the Financial Aid office can access the student’s FAFSA information. If students have difficulty filling out the FAFSA, please contact the Financial Aid office. The deadline is approximately one month before classes begin.
3. USE OF REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: Students are expected to utilize several kinds of technology at ACC, including but not limited to Moodle and their ACC email account. Students must familiarize themselves with these programs/applications in order to be successful in ACC classes.
4. COURSE WITHDRAWALS: It is the student’s responsibility to notify their high school if they drop a course or are dropped by an instructor. Students should receive prior approval from their high school before withdrawing from a course, as withdrawing may jeopardize high school graduation status. Students who withdraw from their Career & College Promise course(s) will receive a grade of WP on their college transcript. This does not affect GPA but does affect financial aid completion rate at ACC. Students wishing to withdraw from an ACC course should email their instructor and request to be dropped from that course.
5. ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is required in order for students to be successful in Career & College Promise courses. Students enrolled in Career & College Promise courses will be subject to the ACC attendance policy. If absences exceed 20% of the scheduled contact hours, ACC will drop the student from the course. Some courses have stricter attendance policies. Students are encouraged to carefully read the ACC Student Handbook for more information regarding attendance policies. Students are responsible for knowing the start and end dates of their Career & College Promise courses and the dates the courses meet during the week.
6. STUDENT ADVOCACY: In college, students, rather than parents, take the lead in student advocacy. Students need to communicate with the Career & College Promise staff and their instructors to schedule appointments and address any questions or concerns. Parents are encouraged to attend registration meetings to support students but students should lead the meeting.
7. STUDENT CONDUCT: College level behavior is expected from students participating in Career & College Promise. Students must abide by the ACC Code of Conduct. Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action taken by ACC. Students are encouraged to carefully read the ACC Student Handbook for more information regarding codes of conduct.
8. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities have the right to equal access to courses, programs, activities, services, and facilities offered at ACC. Students are also entitled to reasonable accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to request accommodations through Disability Services, at
9. CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY: After completing two classes, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in their college courses.
I have read and understand the Student Responsibilities outlined above and agree to abide by them.